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The Faith » General Introduction to Islam

  • Despite the pure nature man is born in, could they find God on their own? How could man be deviated from the truth? And how could we find our way back to God?

    Everyone Is Born a Muslim

    Despite the pure nature man is born in, could they find God on their own? How could man be deviated from the truth? And how could we find our way back to God?
  • What does the word Hadith mean, and what’s the difference between Hadith and Sunnah? Where do Islam and Muslims stand from them?

    Between the Hadith and Sunnah

    What does the word Hadith mean, and what’s the difference between Hadith and Sunnah? Where do Islam and Muslims stand from them?
  • What morals does Islam call for and why? Are they something novel or mysterious from the well-known moral norms? By what standards are they sorted?

    The Moral System of Islam

    What morals does Islam call for and why? Are they something novel or mysterious from the well-known moral norms? By what standards are they sorted?
  • Do Muslims have a pope? Who decides for Muslims on religious matters? Is there a religious leadership in Islam?

    We Have Our Pope… Who Do Muslims Have?

    Do Muslims have a pope? Who decides for Muslims on religious matters? Is there a religious leadership in Islam?
  • Are we free to choose with our sense and reason or is it all confined to the will of the Creator? On the dignity of humans what does God say? Where does mankind stand in Islam?

    Islam and Dignity of Mankind (Part 1)

    Are we free to choose with our sense and reason or is it all confined to the will of the Creator? On the dignity of humans what does God say? Where does mankind stand in Islam?
  • How come if the child were left alone, it would grow up a Muslim by nature? What does this state of fitrah mean?

    The Fitrah We All Are Born in

    How come if the child were left alone, it would grow up a Muslim by nature? What does this state of fitrah mean?
  • Is it hard being a devoted practicing Muslim? How hard is it? What did the Prophet mean when he told us the religion (Islam) is ease? What does this ease practically mean?

    How Islam Is the Religion of Ease?

    Is it hard being a devoted practicing Muslim? How hard is it? What did the Prophet mean when he told us the religion (Islam) is ease? What does this ease practically mean?
  • What does the word faith stand for in Islam and what are its indications? What would make a human being a faithful in Islam? What impact does in have on their life?

    The Islamic Concept of Faith

    What does the word faith stand for in Islam and what are its indications? What would make a human being a faithful in Islam? What impact does in have on their life?
  • Imagine a house, built up on stilts, standing alone on a deserted beach. The waves crash against the shore with each one drawing nearer and nearer to the house threatening to topple the entire structure.

    The Pillars of Islamic Faith

    Imagine a house, built up on stilts, standing alone on a deserted beach. The waves crash against the shore with each one drawing nearer and nearer to the house threatening to topple the entire structure.
  • 30 Facts About Islam 1) “Islam” literally means “to achieve peace through the submission to the One Almighty God”. 2) “Muslim” literally means “anyone or anything that submits itself to the will of God”. 3) Islam is not a cult. Its followers number over 1.5 billion worldwide. Islam is the [...]

    In the Name of God

    30 Facts About Islam 1) “Islam” literally means “to achieve peace through the submission to the One Almighty God”. 2) “Muslim” literally means “anyone or anything that submits itself to the will of God”. 3) Islam is not a cult. Its followers number over 1.5 billion worldwide. Islam is the [...]